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  1. Chvdborea


  2. Chvdborea

    Discussion soyjaks u would fuck

    none of them
  3. Chvdborea

    Is the 'ru down?

    Is the 'ru down for anyone else?
  4. Chvdborea

    Who's your least favorite user of the Shlog and why?

    Anyone with Soytan on their PFP.
  5. Chvdborea

    Discussion Soyjak Party Video Achieve - SPVA

    Came here from Qway Series. Can you add https://soybooru.com/post/view/77133 ?
  6. Chvdborea

    The 'ru is being raided

    We need help right now booru.soy is destroyed
  7. Chvdborea

    the booru is getting wiped

    dear god no
  8. Chvdborea

    Discussion Soyjak Party Video Achieve - SPVA

    Wouldn't they need a censored version? I don't think youtube would approve of the human experiment part.
  9. Chvdborea

    Discussion Soyjak Party Video Achieve - SPVA

    this one https://booru.soy/post/view/74717