Kernung is cord sissy

update: the screenshot collage VILL be done sooner or later and he came back or something

frooooooooooot ban him for ban evading and being a 'cordnigger and drawing 'p and being a faggot or something idk
can we see a sneak-peak??
the pedokike/'cord screenshot folder:

the gooner/faggotry screenshot folder:

albeit i downloaded most of the google account takeouts i could get, so i have to check those. another thing: he's actually gelisht (samekikery, he also made the gelisht page on the 'ru because nobody cared enough to do it), i'm pretty sure he made the soytan as soylita pic but with huge boobs (or something idk its probably on the 'ru somewhere), and he follows 'p accounts on pixiv! waaaaaaooooooow!!!!!!! another fun facterino: both of the accounts have had /raid/ threads about them (and the semidraws one was probably made by him). the 3rd account that i cropped out was just the official pixiv account, which every user follows (unless whoever's using the account unfollows the pixiv account), so i figured that didn't really matter or something like that.

he likes to advertise the sharty on xitter (tried to assassinate the sharty award).

and my clitty leaks when people use his shitty selfinsert wojak (impington) and terminology (_____ington, ______maggot, etc.) so dont use it or im gonna LEAAAAAAACK::ACK::!!!!!!! goodnight soijelqs[wholesome]
the pedokike/'cord screenshot folder:
View attachment 16846
the gooner/faggotry screenshot folder:
View attachment 16847
Degeneracy at its finest.

albeit i downloaded most of the google account takeouts i could get, so i have to check those. another thing: he's actually gelisht (samekikery, he also made the gelisht page on the 'ru because nobody cared enough to do it), i'm pretty sure he made the soytan as soylita pic but with huge boobs (or something idk its probably on the 'ru somewhere)

, and he follows 'p accounts on pixiv! waaaaaaooooooow!!!!!!! another fun facterino: both of the accounts have had /raid/ threads about them (and the semidraws one was probably made by him). the 3rd account that i cropped out was just the official pixiv account, which every user follows (unless whoever's using the account unfollows the pixiv account), so i figured that didn't really matter or something like that.
View attachment 16840
Pajeets gonna pajeet. Who groomed xim to this shit? It surprises me that a guy with seemingly loving parents could be into 'p.

and my clitty leaks when people use his shitty selfinsert wojak (impington) and terminology (_____ington, ______maggot, etc.) so dont use it or im gonna LEAAAAAAACK::ACK::
I never liked that variant. That shit is brimstone. I admit, I'm guilty of making a self-insert variant, but I never forced it to his level.

!!!!!!! goodnight soijelqs[wholesome]
Good night pookie[wholesome]
Pajeets gonna pajeet. Who groomed xim to this shit? It surprises me that a guy with seemingly loving parents could be into 'p.
no idea. my guess is that after his parents got divorced, his dad didn't have enough time to watch him, he started visiting 4cuck, became an /r9k/cuck, got into the friday night hijinks/highjinks communities, then started joining 'cords. then it probably just went downhill from there.
I never liked that variant. That shit is brimstone. I admit, I'm guilty of making a self-insert variant, but I never forced it to his level.
thank science i'm not alone in thinking it's brimbabyjumping
another horrifying discovery: he seems to have made actual porn of 'lita. i'm looking at 4cuck archives and i saw picrel but uncensored (i cut the 'lita out and put the cat there). without the actual nsfw stuff it's hard to tell that it's him, but i swear it's him. the ass/asshole is how he draws it, the pussy is how he draws it, and the dick veins are in his style, too. if you see that one pic of 'lita with a big ass, it's made by HIM. This (NSFWish: it's soytan with her ass to the viewer (inb4 i get banned)) was posted by gelisht (aka him) and for some wildly 100% unexpected reason, it's VERY SIMILAR to how the 'lita shit was drawn.
>his biggest fetish is anal stuff
>he's an oldfag
>the style matches his
>he made a suggestive soytan 'lita edit

it's too much of a coincidence.
no idea. my guess is that after his parents got divorced, his dad didn't have enough time to watch him, he started visiting 4cuck, became an /r9k/cuck, got into the friday night hijinks/highjinks communities, then started joining 'cords. then it probably just went downhill from there.
That could explain it.
thank science i'm not alone in thinking it's brimbabyjumping
I think the other posts using his shitty variant are most likely him.
another horrifying discovery: he seems to have made actual porn of 'lita. i'm looking at 4cuck archives and i saw picrel but uncensored (i cut the 'lita out and put the cat there). without the actual nsfw stuff it's hard to tell that it's him, but i swear it's him. the ass/asshole is how he draws it, the pussy is how he draws it, and the dick veins are in his style, too. if you see that one pic of 'lita with a big ass, it's made by HIM. This (NSFWish: it's soytan with her ass to the viewer (inb4 i get banned)) was posted by gelisht (aka him) and for some wildly 100% unexpected reason, it's VERY SIMILAR to how the 'lita shit was drawn.
>his biggest fetish is anal stuff
>he's an oldfag
>the style matches his
>he made a suggestive soytan 'lita edit

it's too much of a coincidence.
View attachment 17016
What the actual fuck. He needs to get locked up man.
What is that picture that you're showing?
a thread that got derailed after he leaked one of his email accounts
>mexican name
>this guy is a literal toddler

the name & pfp he used was fake, he even stayed in the thread, posted a slopjak and said "this is him" or something, etc. i don't think he cared THAT much but i know that he got scared and deleted the account. picrel is a screenshot he reddit with one of his alt accounts; i don't know the context doe.

apparently someone leaked his login info on the sharty. i remember that one of his reddit accounts posted his email and password once. (and yes, shinra07/Shinra07 was his main password.)
another one of his threads. i can tell by the 3rd filename, impington, gemmington, the font, the software he's using, and the fpe porn in his search history.

an embarrassing shemmy failraid
forced it again award
i'm too lazy to look for more threads, but here's proof of the fpe porn.

coincidentally (not really), most of the porn he looks at has something to do with large asses. maybe he really does goon to it, idk. but there was one instance of spyxfamily porn. albeit he was looking for porn of the mom but it's still strange considering picrel.


>he was actually gooning to pvz porn
another thing: he actually did make the term "jeetmaggot"/"pajeetmaggot". pajeetmaggot was first indexed by google on the 'ru & on november 25, 2021. jeetmaggot was first indexed by google on the 'ru (again) & on september 8, 2021. the term stems from his hate for maggots; apparently, on the first day of school of whatever grade he was starting, there were a bunch of maggots in his backpack. considering he's kinda an oldfag and he transhearts selfinserting, i think it's plausible. last thing for now, he had a drawing of picrel (osaka for some tranime) with the main focus being her ass (who would've guessed?) in his bookmarks. apparently, she's 15 at the start of the anime and 17 at the end. i've seen a few people agree that she looks like she's 12 or 13, but i can't confirm anything. i doubt she was aged up in the picture because she was still wearing her school uniform and looked the same as picrel but with a little longer hair. i might be misremembering, though, but i'll check it later since i was recording it or something.
Just here to say I knew Kernung briefly. He was a frequently-seen face in many Source Engine/Team Fortress 2 related discords including one for a project called Half-Life Model Viewer++. He was an annoyance everywhere he went, and a bit of a spastic to boot. He also added a option to an infobox template on the wiki which was later removed for being useless. He decided to sign up on Kiwifarms which resulted in the hacking of his shit which you've documented here. Kiwifarms isn't yet aware of his actual pedophilia, so someone should probably head over there and do a quote reply to this post with the evidence:

Good riddance, kid was an idiot.
Just here to say I knew Kernung briefly. He was a frequently-seen face in many Source Engine/Team Fortress 2 related discords including one for a project called Half-Life Model Viewer++. He was an annoyance everywhere he went, and a bit of a spastic to boot. He also added a option to an infobox template on the wiki which was later removed for being useless. He decided to sign up on Kiwifarms which resulted in the hacking of his shit which you've documented here. Kiwifarms isn't yet aware of his actual pedophilia, so someone should probably head over there and do a quote reply to this post with the evidence:

Good riddance, kid was an idiot.
tell us more!!
I noticed someone named "bu5t" mentioned in this thread, and there seemed to be confusion on if Kernung and Bu5t knew each other. Turns out they did, as Kernung admitted such on Kiwifarms:
Im kinda responsible for this cuz back in march I asked bu5t to raid the server, 1st time did barely anything and the 2nd time caused fallenchungus to nuke the server
Why did I want the DELICIOUS MEAL cord server raided? Cuz fallenchungus banned soyjaks from his server so I thought it would be funny